Thursday, April 22, 2010

Electronic Music For Grown-Ups

Since I'm going to be boring my friends raving about the forthcoming LCD album "This is Happening Now" for the foreseeable future, I figure I'd get an early start. LCD began streaming "Happening "from their site about two weeks ago. I've given it about ten listenings and it gets better each time. Just as tracks from 2007's "Sounds Of Silver" like "All My Friends" and "Someone Great" perfectly captured my state then, so it is now with "Happening" songs, "I Can Change" and "Dance Yourself Clean." Maybe it has something to due with the fact that, like LCD's front man James Murphy, I' m about to turn 40. These songs are about feeling old, cynical and frustrated by relationships. There also about friendship, sex, love and glorious indulgence. On "Dance Yourself Clean," Murphy sings, "If we wait until the weekend, we could miss the best things to do." Amen. Makes me want to see all my friends tonight...

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